About Elizabeth & The Tech Mosaic

Welcome to the intricate mosaic of my life and tech journey.

My name is Elizabeth Adegbaju, a dynamic personality rooted in Nigeria with a passion that stretches across various domains of life and technology. Standing on the shorter side, I wield a curious mind and an unwavering spirit that have propelled me through the realms of computer science.

Distinguishing myself in the cloud domain, I proudly hold six AWS certifications with an ambitious goal to clinch all twelve. The world of academia beckons, as I'm gearing up to continue my academic journey.

Beyond codes, clouds, and certifications, there's a vibrant array of colours that define me:

  • Game Master: Regularly orchestrating memorable game nights, my suitcase overflows with a myriad of games, ready to challenge and entertain.

  • Christian Podcaster: Tune into my Christian podcast where I share spiritual reflections and insights.

  • Sweet Sips Enthusiast: Known for my penchant for non-alcoholic drinks that tickle the sweet tooth.

  • Women Techmakers Ambassador: Advocating for women's representation and fostering diversity in tech.

  • Speaker: Carving a niche in the speaking circuit, sharing tech wisdom and personal anecdotes. The most thrilling experiences so far have been speaking at Apollo GraphQL Summit ’22 and AWS Community Day DACH 2023

  • Mentor at Heart: Weekly, I dedicate hours mentoring technologists, assisting with pair programming, and sharing knowledge.

  • GitHub Revivalist: I’m on a mission to breathe life into my once-abandoned side projects, ensuring they see the light of day.

While "The Tech Mosaic" might be my brainchild, it mirrors my journey, insights, and the myriad lessons I've gathered along the way. It's our shared canvas, where every stroke of knowledge is painted with love and passion.

Every day, I strive to share the love brimming in my heart, whether it's through a piece of code, a podcast episode, or simply a sweet drink recommendation. This platform, just like my life, is a testament to continuous learning, growth, and boundless affection.

As you explore "The Tech Mosaic", remember it's not just my space but ours. Engage, share, and let's create a masterpiece together.

Warm regards,


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Welcome to The Tech Mosaic – where the ever-evolving world of technology meets the rich tapestry of diversity in the tech community. Each month, we piece together stories, insights, and updates to create a vivid picture of our industry.


Christian Podcaster | Technologist and Cloud Consultant